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Our top 5 of the most spectacular wildlife sightings in Argentina and Chile

Writer's picture: Marion MarquardtMarion Marquardt

We were traveling in Patagonia for about 10 months and spent a lot of time in nature. Especially we wanted to discover the fascinating fauna with our own eyes. So we dedicated a lot of time to the topic, reaching special places and observing animals in their natural habitat. Breathtaking images were created. Here we would like to introduce you to our highlights.

1. Whales and orcas in the Valdes Peninsula (Argentina)

The Valdes Peninsula is known for its marine mammals. Numerous TV documentaries report specifically on the killer whales, who use an unique hunting technique by throwing themselves onto the beach to chase seals. With a lot of patience and even more luck, we managed to take spectacular shots.

Halbinsel Valdes Wale Orcas Orcaschule Glattwal die spektakulärsten Tierbeobachtungen in Argentinien und Chile

2. Pumas in Torres del Paine National Park (Chile)

Nowhere are there more chances to watch pumas than in Torres del Paine National Park, home to the densest and most stable population in the world. More than 90 copies were recently counted. Nevertheless, getting the wildcats in front of the lens is not a given. We trust the experts and are on the road for three days with Miguel Fuente Alba – a luminary among Puma trackers and a gifted photographer. This much can be revealed - it was worth it :-)

Puma Torres del Paine Miguel Fuente Alba Wildkatzen die spektakulärsten Tierbeobachtungen in Argentinien und Chile

3. The exuberant wildlife in Puerto Deseado (Argentina)

Puerto Deseado is probably more of an insider tip and not on the typical travel itinerary in Argentina. The place is also called Patagonia's Galapagos. On the offshore Isla Pingüino we get to see Magellanic penguins, but also the cute Rockhopper penguins. And not only that. Sea lions and dolphins also accompany us again and again. Pure life!

Puerto Deseado Isla Pinguino Magellanpinguine Rockhopper Pinguine Delfine Seelöwen die spektakulärsten Tierbeobachtungen in Argentinien und Chile

4. The intact fauna of Raul Marin Balmaceda (Chile)

Raul Marin Balmaceda is a small paradise on the west coast of Chile. Nature is still intact in this remote fishing town. Here we were able to recharge our batteries and at the same time observe dolphins, fur seals and other sea mammals, all with the magnificent Melimoyu volcano in the background. There are also numerous species of birds. We even watch pelicans.

Raul Marin Balmaceda Vögel Delfine Pelikan Seebären die spektakulärsten Tierbeobachtungen in Argentinien und Chile

5. Caimans and Carpinchos in Iberá National Park (Argentina)

This small, relatively young national park is primarily dedicated to the reintroduction of native animals. The most prominent example is the Jaguar. We mainly discovered armadillos, foxes, pampas deer and a large iguana there. You don't have to look far for caimans and carpinchos, the South American capybaras - they are simply everywhere. And there are beautiful birds here too. Micha is particularly fond of the hummingbirds.

Nationalpark Ibera Jaguar Kolibri Gürteltiere, Füchse Pampashirsch Leguan Kaiman Carpincho die spektakulärsten Tierbeobachtungen in Argentinien und Chile


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