About us

We are in our late 30s, based in the picturesque town Chiavenna, in Italy, and are currently living a life that could be described best as a "long-term traveller".
Until recently, we lived a normal life with the usual office routine. However, with the years passing by, we noticed that we couldn't go on like this. Different jobs and new challenges in the old environment just didn't make us happy any longer. The monotony of everyday work was getting on our nerves. Vacation always was too short and we often dreamed of escaping the hamster wheel.
So we decided at the end of 2021 to sell our property in Germany. We moved to a small, largely unknown, Italian village surrounded by high mountain ranges and lots of fresh air. Since then we have been traveling a lot and realizing one or the other photography project.
Mid 2023 we have taken a little break from traveling as our son Diego was born in September.
The months before we produced our first own movie and started an buisness in our home town Chiavenna
Since April 2024 we are travellingn South America again
PS Check out our blog regularly to stay tuned
Michael Marquardt
I was born in Baden-Württemberg, where I have spent a large part of my life so far. As a teenager, I was already one of those “driven people” who took their photo or video camera with them to every occasion. I never became a professional Photographer. As it is sometimes the case, I ended up with my professional job in an area that was as far away as possible from my passion.
So after my International Finance studies in Germany and Switzerland, I worked in Management Consulting for a couple of years and until recently in various positions in a large german corporation.
At no point in time I did stop dealing with photography. I was fortunate enough to travel a lot when I was young. I was able to get to know exciting countries and people, which are a great inspiration for my pictures.
I grew up in a small village called Rohrenfels in Bavaria. After graduating from high school, I wanted to leave home and studied in France. Since 2009 I have lived with Micha in Baden-Württemberg .
I've always loved traveling ... new impressions, new people. Together with Micha, I have developed a shared passion to explore special places. We have trained our fitness and learned new techniques to keep pushing our limits :-)
I love painting. As a child I already painted on paper, silk scarves, walls etc. and I still paint regularly today. For reasons of space, I limit myself to sketchbooks and pencils when we are on the road.
Marion Marquardt
My name is Diego and I was born in September 2023 in southern Germany. At the age of 6 months I set out to conquer the world.
I love communicating and am quick to put a smile on the faces of our travel mates. Although people keep saying that I'm very well-behaved for my age, I definitely have a strong mind of my own already.
Diego Marquardt