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 Time for
A Change

About the Movie

Marion & Michael Marquardt

Now the time has finally come, after months of work our film is finished.

"Time for a Change - vom Pantanal bis in die Antarktis"

Free from any obligations, Marion and I are traveling with our Land Cruiser HUGO in South America for almost 1 year. Our route takes us from Pantanal to Antarctica and spend most of our time in Patagonia. During our trip we meet inspiring people, enjoy breathtaking landscapes and amazing wildlife. We experience real adventures either hiking, in our kayak or on a horseback. Of course we suffer many a mishap. We grow with our experiences and come back as different people, with one or two surprises in our luggage.


We present a visually stunning film full of humor and entertaining moments.

Time for a change - vom Pantanal bis in die Antarktis Reisefilm Marion und Michael Marquardt

Interested? Just Watch our Trailer

Time for a change - vom Pantanal bis in die Antarktis Roadmovie Marion und Michael Marquardt Travel Film

General Information

  • The film is currently available only on our website

  • Unfortunately the film is currently only available in German language

  • Subtitles are currently not available

  • Movie length: 161 Min.

  • The price is EUR 4.99

  • Payment methods PayPal, credit card, Google Pay or Apple Pay

  • The film can be viewed for 72 hours when rented

Before Moving on to the Movie

Enjoy the Movie

Time for a Change - Vom Pantanal bis in die Antarktis

Time for a Change - Vom Pantanal bis in die Antarktis

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